AV Delicious - Dry Fish Taranechka 90gr

AV Delicious

$5.82 $4.48

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SKU: AV105

Dry Fish Taranechka by AV Delicious is a gastronomical treat that emulates the very taste of old-time Russian dried fish. This snack provides a delicious and appetizing feeling with just the right amount of saltiness. The Taranechka, air-dried to keep the natural taste, is crunchy yet sufficiently chewy. Crunchy and packed with protein, this dry fish is a perfect on-the-go snack or pairs quite well alongside any drink. A product of AV Delicious that takes into account quality to ensure an authentic taste, Dry Fish Taranechka is a savory and enjoyable treat for those who enjoy the unique tastes arising out of dried fish.



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